No one can deny the importance of applied sciences but the other face of coin may be dark & etched with abominable ambitions, regrettably notorious global masses are entailing in misuse of chemical technology for their self motives rather than noble causes. As they are producing hazardous microorganisms, chemical & biological weapons to destruct the economy & progress rate of contestants by means of epidemical-infectious diseases and environmental violence. Applied Chemists are not only accountable but also responsible to overcome such exploitation of technology to harmonize the conformable circumstances for global harmony & peace on the basis of humanitarian sympathetic grounds.
Right from the beginning, the main tragedy of our country is Brain Drain, our industrial crisis and unemployment is bounded in the gratitude of this brain drain. To overcome this crisis and to avail the opportunities government should introduce adequate industrial projects to acquire the hidden treasures of nature and to bring back overseas national talent. Although we are very rich in raw material but unfortunately we are compelled to export this raw material at very cheap cost, as we’re not capable to produce finished product, we import these items at very high cost, however they are made up of our own raw material. This leads to economic crises, poverty, inflation and unemployment.
Applied sciences are the backbone of industrial revolution, we should confess our cumulative lacking in applied sciences and there is a dire need of reawakening of collective wisdom in this respect. Another national tragedy is ignorance (sorry for imprudence, you can say “abysmal ignorance & negligence”) which is a root cause of industrial adversity. However, we have naturally occurring magnificent assets. But merely owing to be deficient in technical awareness, we are not recovering these assets for subsequent processing to produce in useable form, hence overall industrial growth & evolution rate is very slow, which is an alarming situation and threatening message for trade survival, as we are leaving the track of economic stability.
Think, if we process all the raw materials in our own industries, then the rate of unemployment can be reduced. Similarly, the huge deficit on import can be abolish which is added owing to the processes involved, fare & shipment charges, taxes & duties and all other additional expenses excluding manufacturing cost, that we are paying to get a finished product. Consequently, more than 50% population is reluctantly compelled to stay alive below the line of poverty, even though we have both cheap labors and qualified workforce. Industrial enlargement will reinforce our superficial & gewgaw “Bubble Economy” simultaneously & spontaneously with a rise in foreign reserves, liquid money and overseas investment. No doubt our engineers, technologists and Industrial chemists are able to overcome all crisis & fluctuations. But without resources, govt’s support & supervision Dr. A.Q. Khan alone couldn’t make nuclear bomb, although he had designed nuclear bomb in his mind, but some permissible, moral & financial support was required to implement his ideas practically.
According to an article of our national hero Dr. A.Q. Khan,
“Govt. should emphasize to inaugurate technical institutes and universities of applied sciences where credit hours of practical work must be equal to the theory hours in order to enhance professionalism & skill development. Provision of full fledge equipped laboratories should be a part of this program, Govt. should remove all barriers and obstacles which thwarten the academic carrier of researchers & students of applied sciences.” (Daily Jang)
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