Sunday, December 30, 2012

Physics "Right Hand Rule" Proves Monotheism's authenticity.

Modern Physics determines Right Hand Rule phenomenon in 3 dimensional quantities, according to which if a vector is rotating Anti-clockwise the resulting unit vector will be positive with upward direction (like normal through a plane).

Can you imagine Muslim pilgrims revolve anticlockwise around their HOLY KABA, generating positive/upward vector of energies, electrons in an atom, revolve around the nucleus in anti-clockwise direction, moreover, planets around the Sun revolve anti-clockwise, even the planets rotate on their axis anti-clockwise which supports them keeping their-selves on their specific orbits around the sun.

Another things which is relate able to discuss here is, when anything starts rotating on its axis, it doesn't merely generates a unit vector (whose orientation depends on the direction of rotation) but also this rotation generates some gravitational force within the frame of reference/jurisdiction of that body/object because of weak Vander Waal Forces and Universal law of gravitation, associated generically with mass and their inter distances.

Since there's a smooth connection in all systems of universe from an atom to a solar system.

What does this resemblance reflect..??
What the Right Hand Rule proves..??

Holy Quran reveals Muslims as "Right wingers" (Ashaab ul Maimana)

So.. Eventually, who will rule the world..?? Physics says Right Hand and Quran says Right Wingers..
What about you..??

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