Q#1) - What is RGB?
The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.
The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventional photography. Before the electronic age, the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of colors.
Q#2) - What is CMYK?
Color printing typically uses ink of four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). When CMY “primaries” are combined at full strength, the resulting “secondary” mixtures are red, green, and blue i.e, RGB.
Mixing all three theoretically results in black, but imperfect ink formulations do not give true black, which is why the additional K component is needed.
Q#3) - What is VIBGYOR and natural colors?
Now, just pay your full attention on the colors formed by a Rainbow..
The more clear vision of these colors keeping their analogue behavior is,
And now see this pattern digitally,
See the impact of component wavelengths,
See how white light splits into component wave lengths,
The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventional photography. Before the electronic age, the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of colors.
Q#2) - What is CMYK?
Color printing typically uses ink of four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). When CMY “primaries” are combined at full strength, the resulting “secondary” mixtures are red, green, and blue i.e, RGB.
Mixing all three theoretically results in black, but imperfect ink formulations do not give true black, which is why the additional K component is needed.
Q#3) - What is VIBGYOR and natural colors?
Now, just pay your full attention on the colors formed by a Rainbow..
The more clear vision of these colors keeping their analogue behavior is,
And now see this pattern digitally,
See the impact of component wavelengths,
See how white light splits into component wave lengths,
VIBGYOR Principle determines that,
The color RED has the longest wavelenth, and the color VIOLET has the shortest wavelenth.
Also Wavelenth is inversely propotional to frequency, so we can also say that color VIOLET has longest frequency and color RED has the shortest.
The color RED has the longest wavelenth, and the color VIOLET has the shortest wavelenth.
Also Wavelenth is inversely propotional to frequency, so we can also say that color VIOLET has longest frequency and color RED has the shortest.
V-Violet (Highest Frequency, Shortest Wavelenth)
R-Red (Highest Wavelenth,Shortest Frequency)
Q#4) - How are frequency wavelength and color interdependent on each other?
Each colour has different wavelengths....
For example: In VIBGYOR
It is in the order of increasing wavelength i.e Compared to red violet is having the shorter wavelength.....
The frequency and wavelength are related by the equation:
In vaccum:
Each colour has different wavelengths....
For example: In VIBGYOR
It is in the order of increasing wavelength i.e Compared to red violet is having the shorter wavelength.....
The frequency and wavelength are related by the equation:
In vaccum:
Frequency = c / Wavelength
where c is the velocity of light in free space
where c is the velocity of light in free space
In any medium,
Frequency = Velocity of light in that medium / Wavelength
So, it is clear from the formula that the wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to each other....
As the wavelength changes with colour the frequency also changes according to that.
If the frequency is high, the wavelength will be low and viceversa....
Frequency = Velocity of light in that medium / Wavelength
So, it is clear from the formula that the wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to each other....
As the wavelength changes with colour the frequency also changes according to that.
If the frequency is high, the wavelength will be low and viceversa....
Since we all know that when white light passes through a prism, it splits into component wave lengths and frequencies, or when light enters from one medium to another slightly different in respect of density, beam of white light bends/refracts with some angle depending upon the difference of densities of both mediums, also this beam of white or colorless light splits into hepta chrome components which were homogenetically combined in white beam.
As far as my concern, these colors RGB, CMYK and VIBGYOR have their inevitible significance but VBYR should be considered as independent colors beacuse GREEN is itself a mixture of YELLOW & BLUE colors, just see R-G-B, C-M-Y-K, V-I-B-G-Y-O-R all the black bold letters (RB, CMY, VBYR) are independent by all means, INDIGO, GREEN, ORANGE are the resultants of overlapping of two component wave length;
Violet + Blue = Indigo
Blue + Yellow = Green
Yellow + Red = Orange
It declares that Green is not a fundamental or Independent color naturally, artificial lighting effects can produce many colors from Green but in real theres no evidence for Green color which could prove it a fundamental color.
Also GREEN is an intermediate of 1st three Electrically Cool and last 3 Magnetically Warm colors in VIBGYOR, which can be verified by the application of Regression Analysis, Mathematically by applying Aritnmatic Mean on the Component Wave lengths and Frequencies of correspondingly and respectively first and last 3 colors i.e, VIB-G-YOR.
You can verify it by yourself;
Color | Wavelength |
Violet | 400 - 420 nm |
Indigo | 420 - 440 nm |
Blue | 440 - 490 nm |
Green | 490 - 570 nm |
Yellow | 570 - 585 nm |
Orange | 585 - 620 nm |
Red | 620 - 780 nm |
An 'Angstrom' is 10-10m. The wavelength of visible light starts from 3800 Angstrom and extends up to 7500 Angstrom. These are the wavelengths to which the human eye responds. The color or wavelength to which our eyes respond readily is 5550 Angstrom (green color). The colors that we identify are different wavelengths of visible light. Not surprisingly, evolution has bestowed us with eyes that respond to the wavelength range in which Sun radiates its energy. The wavelength range of different colors in the visible electromagnetic spectrum is as follows:
Violet: 3800 - 4500 Angstrom
Indigo: 4200 - 4500 Angstrom
Blue: 4500 - 4950 Angstrom
Green: 4950 - 5700 Angstrom
Yellow: 5700 - 5900 Angstrom
Orange: 5900 - 6200 Angstrom
Red: 6200 - 7500 Angstrom
Color Spectrum Wavelength
The Wavelength which is in the visible region constitutes the color spectrum. These wavelength are very near to each other and have different color which is visible to the human eye. The color spectrum is also known as optical spectrum.
Although the color produced are from very narrow band of wavelengths. These colors are pure spectral color.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Wavelength Chart
Below is given Electromagnetic spectrum Wavelength chart which shows wavelength and frequency in different regions:
Region | Wavelength (cm) | Frequency (Hz) |
Radio | >10 | 3x109 |
Microwave | 10 - 0.01 | 3 |
Infrared | 0.01 - 7x10-5 | 3 |
Visible | 7 | 4.3 |
Ultraviolet | 4x10-5 - 10-7 | 7.5 |
X Rays | 10-7 - 10-9 | 3 |
Gamma Rays | <10-9 | > 3 |
Read these details, it'll assist you making a clear concept on my point of view;
The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visibleto (can be detected by) the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in this range ofwavelengths is called visible light or simply light. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 390 to 750 nm.[1] In terms of frequency, this corresponds to a band in the vicinity of 400–790 THz. A light-adapted eye generally has its maximum sensitivity at around 555 nm (540 THz), in the green region of the optical spectrum (see: luminosity function). The spectrum does not, however, contain all thecolors that the human eyes and brain can distinguish. Unsaturated colors such aspink, or purple variations such as magenta, are absent, for example, because they can be made only by a mix of multiple wavelengths.
Visible wavelengths pass through the "optical window", the region of the electromagnetic spectrum which allows wavelengths to pass largely unattenuated through the Earth's atmosphere. An example of this phenomenon is that clean airscatters blue light more than red wavelengths, and so the midday sky appears blue.
The optical window is also called the visible window because it overlaps the human visible response spectrum. The near infrared (NIR) window lies just out of the human vision, as well as the Medium Wavelength IR (MWIR) window and the Long Wavelength or Far Infrared (LWIR or FIR) window though other animals may experience them.
Many species can see light with frequencies outside the "visible spectrum," which is defined in terms of human vision. Bees and many other insects can detect ultraviolet light, which helps them find nectar in flowers. Plant species that depend on insect pollination may owe reproductive success to their appearance in ultraviolet light, rather than how colorful they appear to humans. Birds, too, can see into the ultraviolet (300–400 nm), and some have sex-dependent markings on their plumage that are visible only in the ultraviolet range
In the light of all the facts discussed above, GREEN color is proved as a dependent color and VIOLET & YELLOW are naturally Fundamental and independent colrs which are not included in existing RGB, however CMYK includes YELLOW but VIOLET is not considerd as a fundamental color so far.
Overall VIOLET, BLUE, YELLOW and RED are fundamental colors. There application can make our Globe more colorful..
Thanks for reading
Saad Abdul Wahab
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